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Safe housing and supportive services where women can recover from the trauma of sexual exploitation.

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The Problem

There is an estimated 24.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.

Approximately 40% of victims of trafficking are recruited by immediate family members or close family friends.

The average age a teen enters the sex trade in the US is 12 to 14 years old.

Globally, the human trafficking industry earns $150 billion annually, and $99 billion comes from commercial sexual exploitation.

Survivors of sex trafficking suffer from severe physical, emotional, and mental health challenges.

Currently, there is a shortage of safe housing and supportive services for trafficked victims.

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What we do

While tremendous efforts have been made to raise awareness and eradicate modern-day sex trafficking, there remains a major shortage of supportive services designed for survivors. Our focus is to serve the survivors struggling to recover from the years, or even decades, of trauma they have endured.

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“I’ve struggled with addiction most of my life. Most of my family struggled with addiction and mental illness, so it was no surprise that I started using drugs at an early age. My addiction and lifestyle made me vulnerable to predators. When I was 24, I was partying with some people in a hotel room, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to strangers I’d never met before.

They kept me in that room and continued to drug me. They started sending random men in, and I was forced to sleep with many of them for money. 

For the next three years, I was trafficked, living in hotels, and eating only enough to keep me from starving. My only escape was the drugs, so I sank deeper into my addiction until I was barely recognizable. 

I was 27 when I was rescued. Some detectives had been building a case against my trafficker, and they rescued me and four other girls. I came to House of Cherith, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me.

The classes at House of Cherith helped me so much. I learned tools to help with self-identity and self-care. I learned how to love myself, heal my inner child, and how to repair myself. I was able to discover and heal traumas I never knew I had. I learned healthy coping skills, how to have healthy relationships, and how to set healthy boundaries. 

I could have never imagined I would be the person I am today. I have grown so much and accomplished great things at House of Cherith. I can finally believe in myself, and when I look in the mirror, I am proud of the woman I see.”

-Brianne | Graduate of House of Cherith


Victims are often times hidden away, but it is possible that you will encounter individuals or situations of concern. Knowing how to accurately ‘spot the signs’ has the power to save lives.

The recognition of the signs outlined in this eBook may point to the need for referrals and further assessment. If you have any suspicions about human trafficking in your area, you should report it. The tips and resources outlined in this short document will help you to further understand and fight against this form of modern day slavery.

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